2025 FRS Youth Tour
Every year Kingdom Telephone joins other members of NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association in sending students from our exchanges to Washington, D.C. on the FRS Youth Tour. We will sponsor two local students on this unique educational experience and include $200 for each student in spending money for souvenirs and snacks.
To be eligible for consideration, the student’s parent or guardian must be a shareholder of Kingdom Telephone stock and have service with Kingdom Telephone Company. The student must complete an application and return it with two letters of recommendation, due to Kingdom Telephone by 4:30pm on March 3, 2025 or complete the online application and submit two letters of recommendation to frstour@kingdomtelco.com due to Kingdom Telephone by 4:30pm on March 3, 2025. The final candidates will be interviewed by two members of the Board of Directors and two managers.
The children and grandchildren of employees, board members, former employees, and former board members are not eligible to participate.
Application forms may be downloaded here and the online form is here. You may also call our business office or check with your high school counselor. More information about the tour can be obtained here.
FRS has no plans for COVID-19 restrictions.
However, FRS reserves the right to make changes at any time and will notify everyone as quickly as possible if any changes are made.
The NTCA organization’s COVID policies are subject to change and registrants will be notified as quickly as possible.