
Service Signup

Membership Information

Check here if this is a mobile number where we can text you appointment reminders
Add a Joint Applicant (For example, a spouse)

Joint Applicant Information

Are the above applicants married to one another?
Can we text you at your primary number?
Is your billing address different than your service address?
Do you rent or own this property?

Landlord Information

Is this home currently under construction?

In the interest of safety, the National Electric Code and the Missouri Public Service Commission requires that the Telephone Company protector be connected to the Power Company multi-grounded neutral. According to the Missouri Public Service Commission, it is the responsibility of the structure’s owner to make this connection available to close proximity to the telephone company service entrance.
The most convenient method of providing this connection is to connect a #10 AWG insulated copper wire to the multi-grounded neutral connection in the electrical disconnect boxes. The wire should then be ran to the Telephone Company entrance location (usually near the Power Company entrance location) and coiled for connection by a Kingdom Telephone Company technician.
In the interest of safety, Kingdom Telephone Company recommends that a qualified electrician be used to provide this connection.
Kingdom Telephone Company is prohibited from installing your service unless this connection can be made. If the ground wire is not provided on our initial visit to connect your service and another trip is required to make the connection, you will be billed a $30.00 trip charge.


Fiber Internet Service (If your location is on copper facilities we will contact you to discuss available service plans)
Broadband Internet Plans

To view the FCC Broadband Labels for these services please click here.

Would you like phone service?

Phone and Internet Discount Programs

Consumers meeting certain eligibility criteria are able to receive monthly discounts for telecommunications service.

  • Lifeline Program or the Disabled Program: Please click here for more information.

Phone Service

Do you prefer a non-published telephone number with a monthly cost of $0.75?
Please choose one of the following listing formats
Please choose a toll blocking option
The Kingdom Fiber 600 Internet Bundle includes 6 optional call features at no additional charge. Please choose your call features from the list below:
The Internet Bundles include 6 optional call features at no additional charge. Please choose your call features from the list below
Optional call features and monthly charges
Voice mail options

In order to protect our customers from the robocall/telemarketer epidemic we are ACTIVATING the Privacy Control Feature for FREE on all your phone lines.  The Privacy Control service selectively intercepts telemarketers, unknown callers, and callers who have their number blocked from displaying on Caller ID.  Please review the information found on this page to understand how privacy control works.

Please verify that you have read the privacy control letter and user guide.

Your local exchange and long distance service cannot be disconnected or interrupted as a result of your failure to pay charges for interstate pay-per-call service, charges for interstate information services provided pursuant to a presubscription or comparable arrangement, or charges you have disputed for interstate tariffed collect information services.
You can obtain blocking of access to services offered on 900 service access codes at no charge within 60 days after you subscribe to a new number and it becomes effective. Other requests for blocking and requests for unblocking may be subject to a reasonable one-time fee. Our tariffs include the terms and conditions that apply.
You have a right not to be billed for pay-per-call services not offered in compliance with Federal laws and regulations established under Title II or III of the Telephone Disclosure and Dispute Resolution Act.
Your access to 900 services may be involuntarily blocked to failure to pay legitimate pay-per-call charges.

Password and Back-Up Authentication

In order to discuss your account over the phone we will need to ask you for a password. Please choose a security question that our representative can give you in case you forget your password or PIN.
Receive electronic invoice only (no paper bill will be mailed)

Protecting the privacy of your service and usage records is your right and our duty under federal law. Kingdom Telephone Company, along with Kingdom Long Distance and other affiliates, are required to inform you that you can direct us not to use any of the information about the services you have purchased from Kingdom to offer you additional products and services. If you do not want us to use any of your service and usage information to offer you products and services, please call 386-2241 and have one of our customer service representatives note that on your records. There is no charge for electing to restrict your information. Proof of that election will be shown on your monthly bill as “Restricted CPNI”.

If you do not restrict our use of your customer information by calling 386-2241, Kingdom can use your customer information to offer you products and services that you may find valuable based on your existing services.

Restricting your information will not affect the products you currently have with Kingdom and may not eliminate all marketing contacts. Even if you restrict the use of your information, it may be used to market services to you when you call us. Your election is valid until you affirmatively revoke or limit it.


Terms and Conditions
Consumer assumes all risk of loss and damage to the end-user equipment from any cause whatsoever. I am over age 18 and agree to review the Terms and Conditions as stated on the Kingdom website, If these Terms and Conditions are not acceptable to me, I will immediately contact Kingdom to terminate my account and terminate use of Kingdom Services. I understand that the Terms and Conditions may change from time to time and that any such change shall be effective immediately upon posting at By continuing to use the Service, I accept any such changes. If at any time the changes are not acceptable to me, I will terminate this Agreement by contacting Kingdom and providing notice of termination in accordance with the Terms and Conditions. Minimum term of service is one month.
All Kingdom-owned equipment must be returned at the time my service is terminated. The customer service representative will advise me on what needs to be returned to the Auxvasse office. I understand that failure to return the Kingdom equipment immediately will result in a charge on my bill for the value of equipment placed at my house.
In making this application, I (we), the undersigned, agree(s) to the rules and regulations of Kingdom Telephone Company as set forth in the exchange tariff and to any general changes in the rules and regulations, tariffs, or rates for the services furnished under this application. This application becomes a contract when accepted in writing by Kingdom Telephone Company. As the applicant(s) for the above services and equipment, and for such services as may be ordered later, I (we) agree to pay the established applicable rates.
During the application process, Kingdom, uses a soft credit check to verify the applicant’s identity and make a risk-based deposit decision.
I agree, in order for Kingdom to service my account or to collect any amounts I may owe, Kingdom may contact me by telephone at any telephone number associated with my account, including wireless telephone numbers, which could result in charges to me.
Kingdom may also contact me by sending text messages or emails, using any email address I provide to Kingdom. Methods of contact may include pre-recorded or artificial voice messages and/or the use of an automatic dialing device, as applicable.

Do you agree to the above terms and conditions?
I understand that it is illegal to spoof or falsify caller ID for fraudulent purposes when using my assigned phone service. I further understand it is also illegal to make unsolicited telemarketing or illicit calls.
Please review the information found on this page about telephone service and our battery backup system.