21 Sep Shareholders Elect New Board Member at Annual Meeting
For the first time in many years, the Annual Meeting of Shareholders was held at a location other than South Callaway R-II High School in Mokane. A school event scheduling conflict led Kingdom to look for an alternative venue, and North Callaway R-I High School...
06 Jun Let the Internet Help You Ace Your Driver’s Test
A Kingdom customer recently shared a website with us — and the story of how it helped her granddaughter become a licensed driver. In fact, this grandmother was so pleased with the results her granddaughter achieved using http://www.drivingoffice.com/ that she was motivated to pay it...
08 Mar Shareholders Elect New Board Member at Annual Meeting
For the first time in many years, the Annual Meeting of Shareholders was held at a location other than South Callaway R-II High School in Mokane. A school event scheduling conflict led Kingdom to look for an alternative venue, and North Callaway R-I High School...
26 Oct On the Road, Off the Phone
Missouri currently has no laws restricting adults from using a cell phone while driving, but it does ban texting for all drivers 21 years old or younger. Teen distracted driving is a serious matter that is vividly (and disturbingly) reflected in available statistics. For instance,...
31 May Broadband and Life as a Senior
It won’t be long before one out of five of us is considered a senior citizen. Folks over 65 years old will account for 20% of the population by 2025. The golden years of these seniors won’t be the same as the lives their grandparents...
29 Mar Seeking a Stunning Photograph
The almost world famous 2016 Directory Cover Photo Contest is at the halfway point, and we have some fine entries again this year. It’s always fun to see what we will receive. Over the years, talented and creative local photographers have given us eye-catching phone...
14 Mar Exploring the Workday World
When you were a little kid, did you know what you wanted to be when you grew up? Pro athlete, doctor, firemen, and teacher were among the top choices of kids in 2015. Their career choices will change many times over their growing-up years, evolving...